Liberacon, Nacemento y Fayecimento – The slave Register: Liberation , Birth and Death Aruba 1840-1863
Durante e trabounan riba e buki aki mi a siña concoce mi raiz den mas profundidad. E (hi)storianan di famia cu mi wela tawata conta mi a sirbi mi di guia den e buskeda di mi raiznan. Cu e berdadnan y e mitar berdadnan cu mi a scucha den mi infancia, encuanto mi grandinan, mi a cuminsa mi buskeda. Algun hayasgo a sorprende mi, pero ningun a bergonsa mi.
Genealogia/formacion di e taki di famia Dubero-Vries lo ser presentaden capitulo 4, di e buki aki.
Cu hopi amor, cariño, espet y orguyo mi ta dedica e buki aki na mi wela y welo materno,
Anna Clara (Macaya) Dubero Vries (R.I.P.) and Jan Hendrik Balbino (Pachi-Yendi) Dubero (R.I.P.)
——————— English ————-
During my research, for the writing of this book, I had the opportunity to get to know my roots more profoundly. The family (hi)stories my granmother used to tell me were my guide in the search vor my roots. Armed with truths and half truths told to me about my ancestors, during my childhood, I started my research. Some findings surprised me, but non brought shame upon me.
Geneology/family tree of the Dubero -Vries family will be presented in chapter 4.
With love, affection, respect and pride I dedicate this book to my maternal grandmother and grandfather,
Anna Clara (Macaya) Dubero Vries (R.I.P.) and Jan Hendrik Balbino (Pachi-Yendi) Dubero (R.I.P.)