Kokolishi Art – Painter
Begonnen op de eerste dag van de eerste lockdown van Curacao, hebben wij bijna elke dag van een bijzondere gebeurtenis een illustratie gemaakt, ter bemoediging voor de bevolking. Julllie kunnen het verhaal hieronder volgen doormiddel van illustraties en de captions die erbij horen.
De laatste illustratie is een van mij favoriete creaties. Want samen, ja samen kunnen wij hier doorheen komen. ️
Inspiratie voor de kunstwerken, is het upliften en bemoedigen van ‘our pueblo’ en vooral onderwerpen die taboe zijn in onze cultuur. door middel van “vrolijke” tekeningen!
Een one liner: “We make Everything Kokolishi.
Don’t beet yourself up; for not being productive, not working out, eating too much chocolate, being over emotional, having less patience and so on and so on. We are in this together, we are all doing the best we can in our own way.

Un Brasa pa nos isla, un brasa pa nos mundu.

Shout out to Izzy Gerstenbluth and the whole team, for dealing with this pandemic in a honorable way. Also mad respect for their patience with our Pueblo

Don’t beet yourself up; for not being productive, not working out, eating too much chocolate, being over emotional, having less patience and so on and so on. We are in this together, we are all doing the best we can in our own way.
Remember to talk about your feelings. It’s a bit of a taboe on the island but, this one is for the ones that suffer anxiety and depression + other mental illnesses. You are not crazy, remember to take care of yourself. We are in this together.

Let’s never ever again take for granted what we have in our ”backyard”. So who went swimming this morning?
Violensia i distrukshon nunka no ta e solushon.
Let’s never ever again take our Freedom for granted, remember to stay safe.
It all starts in ur mind, be carful what u grow in it. #Think good thoughts.
Duespues di tur lucha ta huntu nos tin ku karga nos isla bai dilanti! #nospor #huntu. Felis dia di bandera di Kòrsou. Danki na tur ku a yuda pensa e idea aki.