The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied (PBCCG) has embarked on a fruitful journey to the beautiful island of Bonaire! 
On our first day, we kicked off our visit with a productive PV meeting, carefully reviewing and discussing the grant petitions received for the second PV round of this year.

In addition, a special session was held with the esteemed acting governor of Bonaire, Dhr. N. Oleana, where we exchanged valuable insights and ideas regarding the cultural landscape and its development on the island. It was an enriching dialogue that emphasized the importance of collaboration and support for the arts and culture sector.
To conclude the first day on a high note, an information session was held in the Aquarium room at Captain Don’s Habitat. This session served as a platform to introduce the newest addition to the PBCCG board, the highly respected Liliane de Geus, representing Bonaire. Liliane’s wealth of experience and dedication to the arts and culture scene on the island promises an exciting journey ahead.